Since January 20th, 2009, ALRO has implemented the legislation on the classification, labelling and packaging of chemicals, known as REACH (Registration, Evaluation Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals, no. 1907/2006), and CLP (Classification, Labeling and Packaging, no. 1272/2008) respectively, which represent European regulations with a major impact on industry, including aluminium industry.
These legislations are complex and affect all EU producers, importers and downstream users, and it is necessary that all parties involved in the supply chain collaborate in this direction. ALRO informs all users of chemicals about the requirements that all substances purchased are registered in order to be certain that those substances will be available in the future and that the manner in which they should be used is included in the registration documentation.
A team was set up at company level to deal with the monitoring of the registration and use of chemical substances, under the coordination of Mr. Cristian Stanescu, Director, Technical, Quality and Investments.
By implementing an advanced security management system, ALRO sets specific objectives and targets that allow close monitoring of potentially pollutant events to publicize the intervention activities, the roles, responsibilities and organization in the event there is an accident involving dangerous chemical substances and preparations.
Alro is committed to meeting all the legal obligations under REACH and CLP, as a manufacturer, importer and downstream user and has started the registration process. We have established a REACH team at Alro to deal with all the requirements of these legislations. Moreover Alro is a member of the REACH Consortium, formed by the European Aluminium Association (EAA), which prepares the full dossier for aluminium, aluminium oxide and aluminium hydroxide.
We would like to assure you that as a supplier of aluminium and aluminium alloy products:
- We have pre-registered manufactured and imported substances in order to benefit from the transitional periods provided by the pre-registration under REACH.
- We have checked, and will continue to check, that our suppliers, or any party up the supply chain, are willing to undertake the responsibility of the registration of the applicable substances in order to grant supply to our customers.
- We are going to register manufactured substances.
- Alro fully understands the business implication and impact of REACH and understands that if we do not comply with the regulations, we will no longer be able to service the aluminium market.
More about REACH &CLP legislations:
Please find below contact details for the Alro REACH team:
REACH team coordinator:
Name: Cristian Stanescu
Position: Director, Technical, Quality and Investments, Primary Aluminium Division
Tel: +40 249 431 901 / 1130
Fax: +40 249 411 487
Name: Sebastian Sbirna
Position: Manager EHS
Tel: +40 249 431 901 / 1105
Fax: +40 249 411 487
REACH contact person:
Name: Carmen Dumitrel
Position: Chief of the Noxious Analysis Office
Tel: +40 249 431 901 / 1349
Fax: +40 249 411 487