Press Releases
Press Releases

Current Report according to Art. 113 pt. A, letter j) of CNVM Regulation no. 1/2006 on issuers and securities transactions, with subsequent amendments and completions, as well as the provisions of Art. 99 of the Bucharest Stock Exchange

Wed, 27/09/2017 - 15:13

Important event to report:

Notification regarding the civil action initiated by S.P.E.E.H. Hidroelectrica S.A. against Alro S.A. related to material claims of the electricity producer, representing alleged unrealized benefits from the bilateral contract with Alro.

Alro S.A. informs its shareholders and investors that in the litigation initiated by S.P.E.E.H. Hidroelectrica S.A. against Alro S.A., subject of file no. 13264/3/2015 pending before the Bucharest Court of Appeal, following the appeal filed by S.P.E.E.H. Hidroelectrica S.A., at the court hearing on September 26, 2017, the court reserved judgment, and after deliberation, dismissed the appeal as unfounded. The court's decision can be challenged by filing an appeal within 30 days from the communication.


Marian-Daniel NĂSTASE Gheorghe DOBRA
Chairman of the Board of Directors Chief Executive Officer