Alro didn’t take any decision regarding idling part of its production capacity
Tue, 17/07/2012 - 13:38
Slatina, 17 July 2012 – Alro SA (BSE: ALR, “Alro”, “the Company”), the largest aluminium producer in Central and Eastern Europe, didn’t take any decision, at this point, regarding the cut down in production and is continuing the negotiations with Hidroelectrica regarding the electricity supply.
“We don’t have a decision yet on idling part of the production capacity ”, said Gheorghe Dobra, CEO of Alro. “At this point, we are analysing the current situation, in relation with the electricity supply”.
Moreover, taking into account the recent statements regarding the instauration of force majeure at Hidroelectrica, Alro is analysing multiple solutions in order to be prepared if such a measure is implemented.
The Company is considering the last period when Hidroelectrica declared Force Majeure, and has to make sure it takes all necessary measures to ensure the safest operation of the technological flow in case the electricity supply suffers major fluctuations.
For further information please contact:
Florenta Ghita
Premium Communication
Phone +40 (0) 21 411 01 52
Email florenta.ghita@premiumpr.ro
Notes to the Editors:
Alro is a subsidiary of Vimetco N.V., a global, vertically-integrated primary and processed aluminium producer. Alro is the largest aluminium producer in Central and Eastern Europe measured by volume with an installed production capacity of 265,000 tonnes per year.
The main markets for the aluminium manufactured by Alro are within the EU (Hungary, Poland, Greece, Germany and Romania). Alro also exports to the US and Asia. Alro is ISO 9001 certified for quality management and has NADCAP as well as EN 9100 certificates for aerospace production organizations. Alro’s products adhere to the quality standards for primary aluminium on the LME, as well as international standards for flat rolled products.
The contents of the website www.alro.ro are not incorporated into, and do not form part of, this announcement.