Notice regarding the payment of dividends for the financial year 2016 and the availability of the procedure for dividends payment
Fri, 04/28/2017 - 16:48
The Company ALRO S.A. would like to inform interested shareholders and investors about the distribution of dividends for the financial year 2016, granted in accordance with the Decision of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders no. 569/28.04.2017, following which the payment of a gross dividend amounting to Ron 0.09417/share was approved, starting with 25.05.2017 (Payment Date), through Depozitarul Central S.A. Bucharest, the Participants to the compensation- settlement and register system (Participants) and the Bank Transilvania S.A.- Payment Agent. The corresponding tax on dividends will be retained at source at rates stipulated by the Law or other specific regulations.
The payment of dividends shall be carried out to the ALRO S.A. shareholders registered in the Shareholders Register held by Depozitarul Central S.A. Bucharest, on 19.05.2017 (Registration Date), approved by the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders dated 28.04. 2017.
All the costs afferent to the receipt of the dividends by the shareholders, irrespectively of the payment method, shall be paid by the Issuer, excepting the costs for the registration of the IBAN code of the bank accounts that shall be paid by the shareholders.
The procedure regarding the payment of dividends for the financial year 2016 will be posted on the website, section Investor Relations-News, as well on the website of the Depozitarul Central S.A. Bucharest.
Dr. Ing. Gheorghe DOBRA | Genoveva NĂSTASE |
Chief Executive Officer | Chief Financial Officer |