Current report – Recommendation regarding the SGOM from April 28/29,2020 in the context COVID 19

Wed, 04/15/2020 - 16:54

Considering the current exceptional situation caused globally by the COVID-19 virus, the establishment of the state of emergency in Romania, the preventive measures taken by the Romanian authorities, such as limitation of assemblies of persons and restrictions of movement, in accordance with the provisions of the FSA Regulation no.5/2020, ALRO S.A. ("The Company") expressly recommends to its shareholders to use electronic/remote interaction means regarding the General Shareholders Meetings, in compliance with the terms and conditions provided in the summons, such as:

- accessing the materials related to the General Shareholders Meeting, in electronic form, and avoiding, as much as possible, to have them transmitted in hard copy, by regular mail, courier services or to personally pick them up from the Company's headquarters; 

- sending by the shareholders of the proposals to introduce new items on the agenda or, as the case may be, the draft resolutions for the items included or proposed to be included in the agenda and the questions regarding the General Shareholders Meeting, by e-mail, avoiding, as much as possible, to transmit them in hard copy by regular mail, courier services or to personally submit them to the Company's registry office; 

- sending by the shareholders of the general proxies or, as the case may be, of the special proxies by e-mail, avoiding, as much as possible, to transmit them in hard copy by regular post, courier services or to personally submit them to the Company's registry office; 

- Voting by correspondence and, preferably, by e-mail, avoiding, as much as possible, to transmit the votes by regular mail, courier services or to personally submit the votes to the Company's registry office. 

The instructions regarding the attendance at the General Shareholders Meetings sessions, the proxies, correspondence voting ballots, the means to submit the proxies and the voting ballots by correspondence, as well as other related elements are presented in the summons published by the Company. For the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting convened for April 28/29, 2020, this information is available on the Company's website, section Investor Relations–Shareholder Meeting-Ordinary General Shareholder's Meeting of April 28/29, 2020.

Furthermore, considering the provisions of the Regulation no. 5/2020, the Company informs the shareholders on the following:

- the possibility for the Company to enforce the current restrictions in force at the date of the SGOM regarding the limitation of the number of participants in events held in enclosed spaces only according to the express resolutions adopted  by the authorities;

- the explicit warning regarding that the attendance of public events/meetings held in enclosed spaces, under the limits imposed by the authorities at that time, exposes the participants to a possible contamination by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, and the Company and/or its management cannot be held responsible for such risk.


Marian-Daniel NĂSTASE Gheorghe DOBRA
Chairman of the Board of Directors Chief Executive Officer