Current report prepared as per the provisions of art. 225 of Law no.297/2004

Tue, 11/10/2015 - 16:22

We hereby inform you in this Current Report that Alro S.A. concluded with VIMETCO EXTRUSION S.R.L. (member of the Alro Group registered at the Financial Supervisory Authority) and with the Vimetco Management Romania S.R.L. the following transactions whose cumulated values exceed EUR 50,000 (exchange rate 4.4580 RON/EUR; 4.1329 RON/USD; the calculated values exclude VAT):




Number and dateObject-matter

Total estimated value


Mutual debtsGuaranteesPayment terms and means
1.P101915-300Addendum no.4 to the contract no.I 2363/2015 regarding the renegotiation of the processing premium for the quantity of 6,136 Mt. of aluminium billets, type 6060/6063/6005 and 6082 which is to be delivered within the period October -December 201546,241,602*--Maximum 90 days from delivery
2.1896/04.11.2015Service provision - Aluminum scrap transport – Contract no.40003370/2015288,000--With payment order within 30 days from the invoice date

Vimetco Management Romania S.R.L.



Number and dateObject-matter

Total estimated value


Mutual debtsGuaranteesPayment terms and means
1.1901/06.11.2015Addendum no.8 to the consultancy contract no. 4600002904/200812,794,460--

Within5 days from the invoice

receiving date


*this estimated value is included in the value of the contract reported on 09.01.2015

Marian-Daniel NĂSTASE Gheorghe DOBRA
Chairman of the Board of Directors Chief Executive Officer