Current Report Later OGSM - August 19, 2021
Thu, 08/19/2021 - 18:30
As of the date of August 19, 2021, the Alro S.A. Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders took place.
It was attended by the following shareholders:
- Vimetco NV Netherlands, holding shares representing 54.1898 % from the share capital, has voted by correspondence;
- Fondul Proprietatea S.A., Bucharest, holding shares representing 10.2111 % from the share capital, has voted by correspondence;
- Fondul de Pensii Administrat Privat NN Pensii S.A.F. P.A.P. S.A., Bucharest, holding shares representing 4.4131 % from the share capital, has voted by correspondence;
- Fondul de Pensii Administrat privat AZT Viitorul Tau, holding shares representing 3.1565 % from the share capital, has voted by correspondence;
- Fond de Pensii Facultative NN Optim/NN Asigurari de Viata S.A. Bucharest, holding shares representing 0.2872 % from the share capital, has voted by correspondence;
- Fond de Pensii Facultative NN Activ/NN Asigurari de ViataS.A. Bucharest, holding shares representing 0.2122 % from the share capital, has voted by correspondence;
- NN(L) International Romanian Equity Luxemburg, represented by CITIBANK Europe plc Dublin, Romanian Branch, holding shares accounting for 0.0841 % of the share capital,has voted by correspondence;
- Fondul de Pensii Facultative AZT Vivace, holding shares representing 0.0514 % from the share capital, has voted by correspondence;
- Fondul de Pensii Facultative AZT Moderato, holding shares representing 0.0479 % from the share capital, has voted by correspondence;
- NN(L) International Romanian Equity Luxemburg, represented by CITIBANK Europe plc Dublin, Romanian Branch, holding shares accounting for 0.0420 % of the share capital,has voted by correspondence;
- Dobra Gheorghe, holding shares representing less than 0.0001 % from the share capital;
- Popescu Constantin, holding shares representing less than 0.0001 % from the share capital;
- Stoian Constantin, holding shares representing less than 0.0001 % from the share capital.
The shareholders attending the OrdinaryGeneral Meeting hold shares amounting to 72.70 % from the share capital.
The following decisions have been made:
- By a number of 518,883,711 total votes expressed, accounting for 518,883,711 shares, respectively 72.70 % of the total share capital, out of which 518,883,711 votes in favour accounting for 100 % of the share capital represented for in the meeting, all the cast votes being secretly expressed and valid, it is hereby appointed as financial auditor for a one year mandate, respective from August 19, 2021 until August 19, 2022, Ernst & Young Assurance Services SRL having its headquarters in Bucharest, 1st district, no. 15-17 Ion Mihalache bvd., Bucharest Tower Center Building, 21st floor, registered with the Trade Registry under no. J40/5964/1999, Sole Registration Code 11909783;
- By a number of 518,883,711 total votes expressed, accounting for 518,883,711 shares, respectively 72.70 % of the total share capital, out of which 518,883,711 votes in favour accounting for 100 % of the share capital represented for in the meeting, all the cast votes being valid, it is hereby approved to authorize the General Manager and the Financial Manager of Alro S.A. to sign the contract with the financial auditor appointed by the Shareholders’ General Ordinary Meeting;
- By a number of 518,883,711 total votes expressed, accounting for 518,883,711 shares, respectively 72.70 % of the total share capital, out of which 495,644,874 votes against accounting for 95.52 % of the share capital represented for in the meeting and 23,238,837 votes in favour, all the cast votes being valid, the Remuneration Policy, in the version proposed by the Company’s Board of Directors is hereby rejected;
- By a number of 518,883,711 total votes expressed, accounting for 518,883,711 shares, respectively 72.70 % of the total share capital, out of which 387,695,720 votes against, accounting for 74.72 % of the share capital represented for in the meeting, 107,949,292 votes in favour and 23,238,699 abstention votes, all the cast votes being valid, the Remuneration Policy, in the version proposed by Fondul Proprietatea S.A. is hereby rejected;
- By a number of 518,883,711 total votes expressed, accounting for 518,883,711 shares, respectively 72.70 % of the total share capital, out of which 518,883,711 votes in favour accounting for 100 % of the share capital represented for in the meeting, all the cast votes being valid, it is hereby approved to empower Mr. Emanuel Marian Doaga to comply with all the formalities for the registration of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders resolutions;
- By a number of 518,883,711 total votes expressed, accounting for 518,883,711 shares, respectively 72.70 % of the total share capital, out of which 518,883,711 votes in favour accounting for 100 % of the share capital represented for in the meeting, all the cast votes being valid, it is hereby approved the date of September 15, 2021 as registration date, for the opposability of all the decisions made by the Shareholder’s Ordinary General Meeting, in accordance with the provisions of art. 87 in Law no. 24/2017 regarding the issuers of the financial instruments and market operations, republished;
- By a number of 518,883,711 total votes expressed, accounting for 518,883,711 shares, respectively 72.70 % of the total share capital, out of which 518,883,711 votes in favour accounting for 100 % of the share capital represented for in the meeting, all the cast votes being valid, it is hereby approved the date of September 14, 2021, as ex date, in accordance with the provisions of art. 187 point 11 of Regulation no. 5/2018 regarding the issuers of the financial instruments and market operations issued by the Financial Supervisory Authority.
Marian-Daniel NĂSTASE | Gheorghe DOBRA |
Chairman of the Board of Directors | Chief Executive Officer |