Current Report: Intragroup transactions whose cumulated values amount to over EUR 50,000

Fri, 05/25/2018 - 16:36

Please be informed by the present Current Report, that ALRO S.A. concluded with the companies CENTRUL RIVERGATES.R.L., RIVERGATE  FIRE S.R.L.,VIMETCO TRADING S.R.L.the following transactionswhose cumulated values amount to over EUR 50,000 (the exchange rate is 4.6243 RON/EUR; 3.9431RON/USD and the calculated values are exclusive of VAT):



No.Number and dateObjectEstimated total value (RON)Mutual debtsGuarantee

Payment terms

and means

1.796/25.05.2018Addendum no.16 to Contract no. 2105/2009 on the disposal of the usage and exploitation rights, free of charge,for the entire contract duration,of the means of transport owned by Alro S.A. to the service provider Centrul Rivergate S.R.L. as mentioned in Annex 6 rev. to Contract no. 2105/2009 – Fixed assets represented by motor vehicles used by Centrul Rivergate S.R.L. for the performance of the contract’s object.----


No.Number and dateObjectEstimated total value (RON)Mutual debtsGuarantee

Payment terms

and means

1.795/25.05.2018Addendum 2 to Contract no.7/2017 on complementing the subject-matter of the contract with transferring the right of use and operation, free of charge, for the entire contract duration, of the means of transport owned by Alro S.A. to the provider Rivergate Fire S.R.L as listed in Appendix 1 to Contract no. 7/2017 – Means of transport used by Rivergate Fire S.R.L for the execution of the contract’s subject-matter.----



No.Number and dateObjectEstimated total value (RON)Mutual debtsGuarantee

Payment terms

and means

1.797/25.05.2018Addendum no. 4 on establishing the surfaces rented by Alro S.A. to Vimetco Trading SRL and extension of the lease validity contract from May 7, 2008 until May 6, 2023.2,691,787--

Until the 10th of the month following, through



Marian-Daniel NĂSTASE Gheorghe DOBRA
Chairman of the Board of Directors Chief Executive Officer