Current report in compliance with Regulation no.1/2006 of NSC and with the stipulations of article no. 82 of Law no. 24/2017 regarding Issuers of Financial Instrument and Market Operations

Thu, 07/27/2017 - 17:59

Please be informed by the present Current Report, that ALRO S.A. concluded with the company Vimetco ExtrusionS.R.L., (member of Alro’s group registered at the Financial Supervisory Authority)the next transaction whose value to over EUR 50,000 (the exchange rate is 4,5628 RON/EUR; 3,9248 RON/USD, the calculated value does not include VAT):



No.Number and dateObjectEstimated total value (RON)Mutual debtsGuaranteePayment terms and means
1.P072717-219Addendum no. 3 to the contract no. I 2747/2017 regarding the establishment of the processing premium for the quantity of 5,880 Mt. +/- 2% aluminium billets, series 6060/6063/6005, and 6082 to be delivered within the period July – September 201751,414,719*--Maximum 90 days from delivery


 *this estimated value is included in the value of the contract reported on 12.12.2016.


Marian-Daniel NĂSTASE Gheorghe DOBRA
Chairman of the Board of Directors Chief Executive Officer