Current report in compliance with Regulation no. 1/2006 of NSC and with the stipulations of article no. 225 of the Capital Markets Law no. 297/2004

Tue, 12/13/2016 - 11:32

Please be informed by the present Current Report, that ALRO S.A. concluded with the company Vimetco Extrusion S.R.L. (member of Alro Group registered with the Financial Supervisory Authority) and with company CONEF GAZ S.R.L.the following transactionswhose cumulated values amount to over EUR 50,000 (the exchange rate is 4,4985 RON/EUR; 4,2391 RON/USD and the calculated values are exclusive of VAT):

Vimetco Extrusion S.R.L.

No.Number and dateObjectEstimated total value (RON)Mutual debtsGuarantee

Payment terms

and means

1.P111716-205Contract no. I 2747/2017 for the supply of 22,992 tons +/- 2% of aluminum billets, alloys 6060/6063/6005 and 6082, during period January - December 2017 198,276,761*--Maximum 90 days from delivery


No.Number and dateObjectEstimated total value (RON)Mutual debtsGuarantee

Payment terms

and means

1.1493/09.12.2016Addendum no.13 to Contract no.114/2010 – regarding the decrease of monthly stored quota of the natural gas supplied by Conef Gas S.R.L to Alro S.A. during November 01st,2016 - March 31th, 2017   19,947,726 **--Payment in advance with settlement until the 15th of the month following delivery


* annual value estimated based on the premium agreed for Q1 2017 (the premium is established on a quarterly basis)

** the corresponding value for the period November 01st, 2016 – March 31th, 2017 can also be found in the addendum no.11 to contract no.114/2010, which was reported on May 11, 2016.\


Marian-Daniel NĂSTASE Gheorghe DOBRA
Chairman of the Board of Directors Chief Executive Officer