Current report in compliance with of article no. 92³ of Law no. 24/2017 (ALUM S.A. & CONEF GAZ S.R.L.)

Tue, 07/20/2021 - 18:15

Please be informed by the present Current Report that ALUM S.A., subsidiary of ALRO S.A., carried out in the period April 1st 2021 – June 30th 2021, with the company CONEF GAZ S.R.L., company which is under common control of ALRO Group, the following transactions that cumulatively exceed 5% of the Company’s net assets, as per ALRO S.A. standalone financial statements for the year 2020, in amount of RON 51,598,374, as follows:

  • Transactions of ALUM S.A., subsidiary of ALRO S.A., with CONEF GAZ S.R.L., company which is under common control of ALRO Group, carried out in the period April 1st 2021 – June 30th2021, in total amount of RON 58,908,053;

Details have been enclosed to this Report, as follows:

Annex 1 - Reporting of transactions carried out in the period April 1st 2021 – June 30th 2021
Annex 2 - Reporting of contracts related to the transactions in Annex 1_1
Annex 3 – Reporting of mutual debts and receivables balances as of June 30th 2021