Current report as per art.113 item A letter j) of the National Securities Commission’s Regulation no.1/2006 on the issuers of and operations with securities, as subsequently amended and completed, as well as per the provisions of art.99 of the Buchar

Fri, 05/20/2016 - 10:35

Significant events to be reported: Challenge before the court of law of the sanction decision no. 82/2015 issued by the Competition Council  

By the Current Report of April 26th, 2016 the company informed the shareholders and investors about the receipt of decision no. 82 of December 24th, 2015 that penalized the Company by lei 21,238,718.99, representing 1.05% of the 2014 turnover, a decision that was issued by the Competition Council for an alleged breach of the competition legislation of the electricity production and trade market, as well as about the fact that such Company was to review and decide upon the legal measures to be undertaken in order to exercise its right to challenge the penalization decision before the court of law.

Following this review, the Company ALRO S.A.informs the investors that on the date of May 18th, 2016 such Company submitted two claims before the Bucharest Court of Appeal, namely a claim for the cancellation of the Sanction decision no. 82/24.12.2015, issued by the Competition Council, which is the object-matter of the case file no.3536/2/2016 and another claim for the suspension of the enforcement proceedings on the same decision, which is the object-matter of case file no.3538/2/2016.

As concerns the status of the above case files, Alro S.A. will inform the general public and the investors in due course.


Marian-Daniel NĂSTASE Gheorghe DOBRA
Chairman of the Board of Directors Chief Executive Officer